
Why we are here

Why are we here? What does all this mean? These questions have been pondered by every philosopher that has existed. When you live moment to moment doing what you do totally involved or sit and follow the breath with no other thoughts, all these questions become irrelevant and the answer is not important. Note that the Buddha when asked philosophical questions would just sit in silence? Why did he do that? Because pondering and following this line of thinking is a never ending chain. There will always be another question. Drop the thinking and watch the thinker.



I haven't posted for a while as I have just transitioned between jobs. I have found transitions to almost always end up being positive as they provide for an opportunity to refresh and renew myself. I have to admit that in my old job I had become complacent and bored. In this state a new opportunity came knocking and it all has worked out for the better. Life seems to do this, when one door closes another one opens. I know that's a cliche but it is true enough. I should be posting close to everyday now, so please come and visit.