
Time Sickness

Almost everyone I know seems to suffer from what I call time sickness. By time sickness I mean an overidentification of the self based on time. Most people obtain their sense of self from a reference that exists in the past or what they would like to achieve in the future. This is a false ego centered creation that has no basis in reality. Why? Because there is no past and there will be no future.
What we perceive as the past is really just a series of former present moments. What we project of the future is a future present moment. In other words all you have is right now, the present moment.
Reality is not "clock time". Clock time is an artificial creation that is a useful reference tool for our daily lives other that that there is no clock time. The only time you ever have or that has ever existed is right now. There could be no other time. If you are thinking of the past you are doing it right now. If you are projecting into the future you are doing it right now. This is not to say that we should not use the past as a useful reference to what is happening right now but that is the only function it should serve.
If you are experiencing great anxiety over an event that has passed you only need to remember that you are right here right now. The past transgression exists only in your mind and only has the power that you give to it. This is not an oversimplification. Once you drop the ego identified clock time creation it is a truly liberating experience. People claim that you cannot change the past but this is untrue. You can transform the past right now by turning all of your attention to the present moment.
I'm not saying that you should abandon all future plans either. It is fine to have a general idea of where you want to go. However, you should not become so concerned with the future that you lose track of the present. Ultimately if you have some objective you would like to achieve what you do right now is what really matters the most. It is the actions we complete right now that will ultimately affect whether our future objective is met or not. If you are so lost on what you would like to happen that you spend all of your time in thought how will you ever manifest the desired outcome. The answer is by returning to the here and now.


This is a meditation that I use when it seems my mind is having trouble shutting off and returning to the present. Sit in your favorite chair or meditation posture. On your in breath silently say right here, out breath right now. In: right here, out: right now. Another variation is In: just this, out: right here.

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