

The story of the resurrection is also our story. When we decide to turn our lives over to Christ our soul is resurrected from its slumber. Once this resurrection happens it is able to ascend to a higher level in which the holy spirit descends to purify us inside. You can turn your back on this process of course but it will always nag you if you try to ignore this new calling. This calling is a lot of work. It is not the simplistic idea of the 'born again". It is not fast food religion. Nothing Christ advised is easy. To be truly forgiving, loving, compassionate, and unselfish in all that you do is what is being asked. This is not an easy task. It takes persistence and hard work and the ability to listen to your heart while checking your ego at the door. It cannot all come from saying a thirty second prayer. It is a work that lasts our entire natural life through a willingness to let Christ work within us as we are all members of his mystical body.

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